Sunday 30 September 2012

Leakage ~

Tittle        : Leakage

Objective : To close the leak that occured
For the past two weeks, i had put the waste inside the cooker and i've found out there was a leakage. The leakage was detect by the smell of the yeast but i am not sure where the smell came from. So, i just assume the leakage was came from the pressure gauge and safety over pressure tube. To solve this problem, i closed this leakage using "Epoxy Super Strength Steel".


After a few hours waiting, i go to check if there is still a leakage. Unfortunately the smell is still there. So, probably the leakage is came from the lid of the cooker and i have to seal it soon.

Saturday 22 September 2012

New Turbine.

Tittle        : New Turbine
Objective : To justify the reason of not using homebuilt turbine
After find out that the turbine i've made before this cannot be used because the motor is so heavy. I have to use a very light motor that can turn even if i just blow it. So, this is the turbine that i get from miss Pusparini Dewi.

turbine (cannot be used)

new turbine
The problem here is i still get the same output for the new turbine and it can only produce about a.iv(maximum). So, i have to find suitable boost circuit that required lowest input voltage for this turbine. Unfortunately, i cannot find it. So this is my big problem in this project but i am trying to solve this problem.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Put the waste inside the cooker!!

Tittle        : Filled the pressure cooker
Objective : To fill the waste garbe into the pressure cooker
To complete this process i need to make sure i have a hygiene protection procedures. I had bought gloves and masks to do this process to avoid smell form the waste but no matter what i still can smell the yeast. In this process, i used many materials and i took a picture while i'm doing this process.

smelly yeast

box(soil n food waste)




empty cooker
I had put all the food waste, soil and yeast inside the cooker but i did not take a picture due to the smell. Actually, i have no one to help me take a picture and at that time my hand is dirty. Finally, i have sealed the waste.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Connect temperature gauge at cooker lid

Tittle        : Tick temperature gauge on the cover lid of the cooker
Objective : To attach the temperature gauge by by using adhesive.
After my supervisor (miss puspa) told me to try open the nut form the cooker lid, i try to open it by using long nose and i did it. There was a hole that ican put my temperature gauge inside without drill it. So, one of my problem is settled. I bought a glue to stick it on the cooker lid. The first glue i used is RED RTV Silicone where the glue color is red. After waited about 15minutes i discovered that the glue is not strong enough to stick the gauge.



Then, the next day i went to hardware shop to buy another glue that is strong enough to stick the gauge. After few minutes finding the right glue, i found  this "EPOXY SUPER STRENGTH STEEL" that need about 1 hour to make sure the glue is dry enough and completely stick to the lid. The differences about this glue is there are 2 glue that has to mix together before apply it to the surfaces and the result is excellent. It just i had forgotten to take the picture where the gauge is stickon the cooker lid.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Temperature gauge

Tittle       : Temperature gauge
Objective : To show the temperature gauge that is going to be used in this project.
This is one of the equipment that is hard for me to find. Actually, i prefer to use temperature gauge sensor where it can detect temperature using sensor and i was thinking to use digital temperature gauge so it is easier to take the value. I went to several shops including car accessories shop to find this gauge but unfortunately i cannot find it. So, i just bought common temperature gauge at Ace hardware that is used for cooking.

So this gauge will be placed at the top of cover lid of the cooker to measure inner temperature. I will update the progress when this gauge is successfully construct.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Gas regulator

Tittle        : Gas Regulator/Pressure Gauge
Objective : To show the gas regulator has been drilled on the cover lid of the cooker
After i bought a gas regulator to be drilled on the cooker lead, i found out it cannot be used due to some reasons. First, the gas regulator contains valve where it cannot be drilled without a socket like a gas tank in our house. So, i have to use gas pressure regulator.

Based on the picture above, the gauge is drilled on the cover lid of the cooker. So, this part is complete. Biogas will comes out from the nozzle.

Friday 7 September 2012


Tittle        : Turbine

Objective : To show that DC motor is connected to the blade.

After several trial to get perfect blade, finally i decided to sent the actual blade and motor to be drilled at welding shop beside Masjid Zakaria, gombak. I have tried to make it by own but because of the material cannot be drilled using solder and i do not have the right tools so i cannot do it. Leave it to the expert :)


There was a black spot in the middle of the blade due to unsuitable material used. This is not a complete turbine. I have to change the design of the blade if it is not works. 

Thursday 6 September 2012


Tittle        : The Chossen DC Motor
Objective : To prove that DC motor is bought.
I had bought a dc motor at Nixie, Jalan Pasar which cost RM18.00. A 12V DC motor is a suitable for this project that will produce small value of voltage. This type of motor is common used for projects and the price is not expensive as it always been used for most of electronics equipments.
This is a dc motor.
specifications of the motor


This motor will be connect to the blade that is designed. Then, it will be tested and checked whether it can be used as a turbine for Smart-BioBin project.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Homebuilt Blade

Tittle        : How to Make Blade form Tin Can

Objective : To show the process on making blade from tin can

In this project, blade is used to move shaft to drive the motor. I have to make my own blade because there is no readymade blade that is suitable for this project. The material has to be light and heat resistant because i am dealing with 50-68 degree celcius gas which is quite hot. So what i can use is
tin can which is easy to get. To make the blade, i have to used tin opener and tin cutter.


tin opener
tin cutter

this is the blade :)
Actually, this is my first trial. So the blade looks non-symmetry. The actual blade i will upload in next post. 

Saturday 1 September 2012

Type of Converter

Tittle        : Type of Converter

Objective : To clarify the circuit converter

There are many type of converter. So, for this project, i will use boost converter which convert DC -DC voltage.

I had bought the components at Jalan pasar. the circuit i chose for this type of boost converter is 6V to 12V dc-dc converter using 555 timer IC. The components used for this project are:

1. R1 - 2 kilo ohms 1/4W
2.R2 - 5 kilo ohms 1/4W
3.R3 - 2.7 kilo ohms 1/4W
4.R4 - 22 ohms 1/4W
5.C1 - 220nF
6.C2 - 100nF
7.C3 - 1000uF ( higher the better) electrolytic capacitor rated 16V
8.L1 - 40 to 60 turns #20AWG in ferrite antenna bar
9.D1 - 4A rated diode or higher
10.DZ - 1N5242B or 12V zener diode (1W)
11.Q1 - TIP41C or two parallel 2N2222, or NPN transistor (min 3W power)
12.Q2 - 2N3055 or similar NPN power transistor
13.Q3 - TIP41C or 2N3055
14.555 timer IC

Below is the picture of converter circuit.

So this circuit is choosen to be used as a converter. But it has not be construct completely and test yet due to some problems at main part of this project (waste garbage).