Sunday 21 October 2012

Method changed..

Tittle        : Method Changed

Objective : To explain another method ofg getting result
Due to some problem where the waste does not produced biogas in a large volume, the reading of pressure cannot be taken. So, i try to change the method whereby water bag/ bottled water is used to prove the presence of biogas. It is placed at the nozzle of the pressure gauge.

About the turbine, i will used "something" as a replacement of the biogas to moves the turbine. At first, i was thinking to blow it so that it moves and gives output. But, after some thinking, it is not practical and is not a proper way to make because i have to show/demo to my accessors during presentation of final year project. So, i will find out a suitable material/hardware that can be used to moves the turbine. Below is a sketching of the designed of the turbine.

Thursday 4 October 2012


Tittle        : Sealed Suspected Area
Objective : To seal at the suspected area that caused leakage 
The suspected area around the lid that cause leakage has been sealed using "Epoxy Super Strength Steel".
Epoxy adhesive is applied arround the lid

the gap that cause leakage

the gap is sealed