Thursday 15 November 2012

Preparation for Presentation.

Tittle        : Choosing a poster

Objective : To produce and to choose a perfect poster for presentation final year project.

I have designed a poster which is a must for every final year project student. The poster must have, introduction, objective, methodology and conclusion. There are two different color that i have made to show to my supervisor ( Miss Pusparini Dewi) and i let her choose which one of the color of the poster that i should use. So, here's the posters i've designed.

Poster 1

Poster 2
So, after i showed to my supervisor and we had a short discussion, poster 1 is chosen as it looks more formal than poster 2. I would like to say thank you  to my supervisor who always guide me and teach me the right way of doing a project, proposal and also poster. :)

Blower is used as a replacement.

Tittle        : Measure the output
Objective : To measure the output voltage.
As a replacement for biogas, blower is used to show that the turbine is moved with maximum output voltage which is around 0.1V. When the blower is turn on, the blade is moved thus produced voltage that is measured by usiing digital multimeter.
Here, i attached a video that i recorded to show the turbine moves and the output voltage produced from the turbine that is measured using multimeter.  

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Combustion is made

Tittle        : Combustion Process

Objective : To show the combustion process and the results.

Due to the unsuccesful of fermentation process under thermophilic digestion within ( 50 - 65 degree celcius), combustion is made to make the production of biogas faster. The current temperature reading is 25 degree celcius which is not under thermophilic digestion.

From the combustion process, the gas is supposely comes out through the nozzle and it flows through the tube and finally to the bottle that contained water. In this process, the pressure of the gas is high and it surely can moves the turbine. Unfortunately, there was a leakage at the handle of the cooker and the gas was comes out from the small hole at the handle.  

Does bubbles appear?

Tittle        : New Design and Result
Objective : To show the new designed and the results of applied this new method.
From the previous post, i've sketched the picture of the cooker with the water bag. So, here is the actual picture of my project.

As been shown above, a bottle is used as a replacement of water bag. It is easy to fill water in the bottle. The bottle that filled with water is connected to the nozzle of the pressure gauge by using small transparent tube.
This is the method to prove the presence of gas from the waste garbage in the pressure cooker. If there is bubbles appear in the water, it means gas is exists and this project is successfully prove that waste garbage did produce biogas that can be used to produce electricity. Unfortunately, there was no bubbles appear in the bottle. This is due to the duration of the fermentation process that takes about 6 months to decompose.