Thursday 15 November 2012

Preparation for Presentation.

Tittle        : Choosing a poster

Objective : To produce and to choose a perfect poster for presentation final year project.

I have designed a poster which is a must for every final year project student. The poster must have, introduction, objective, methodology and conclusion. There are two different color that i have made to show to my supervisor ( Miss Pusparini Dewi) and i let her choose which one of the color of the poster that i should use. So, here's the posters i've designed.

Poster 1

Poster 2
So, after i showed to my supervisor and we had a short discussion, poster 1 is chosen as it looks more formal than poster 2. I would like to say thank you  to my supervisor who always guide me and teach me the right way of doing a project, proposal and also poster. :)

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