Saturday, 1 September 2012

Type of Converter

Tittle        : Type of Converter

Objective : To clarify the circuit converter

There are many type of converter. So, for this project, i will use boost converter which convert DC -DC voltage.

I had bought the components at Jalan pasar. the circuit i chose for this type of boost converter is 6V to 12V dc-dc converter using 555 timer IC. The components used for this project are:

1. R1 - 2 kilo ohms 1/4W
2.R2 - 5 kilo ohms 1/4W
3.R3 - 2.7 kilo ohms 1/4W
4.R4 - 22 ohms 1/4W
5.C1 - 220nF
6.C2 - 100nF
7.C3 - 1000uF ( higher the better) electrolytic capacitor rated 16V
8.L1 - 40 to 60 turns #20AWG in ferrite antenna bar
9.D1 - 4A rated diode or higher
10.DZ - 1N5242B or 12V zener diode (1W)
11.Q1 - TIP41C or two parallel 2N2222, or NPN transistor (min 3W power)
12.Q2 - 2N3055 or similar NPN power transistor
13.Q3 - TIP41C or 2N3055
14.555 timer IC

Below is the picture of converter circuit.

So this circuit is choosen to be used as a converter. But it has not be construct completely and test yet due to some problems at main part of this project (waste garbage).

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